Atma Bodha Introduction

  • Post by The Dutchess
  • Sep 25, 2019
Atma Bodha Introduction

Atma Bodha Intro

According to Hindu ideology, (Sanatana dharma), life does not end in 100 yrs. Life is intermittent not straight. You can see that all around us, the seasons, seed to tree and also seeds, weather patterns, turning & change of earths, birth & fatality of beings.

All beings have a desire to be happy, and also we pursue that. We want delicious food, buy vivid clothes, get brand-new playthings, decorate our residences, travel and looking for joy.

Every religious beliefs shows us to be great in our actions. According to Hinduism (I refer as Hinduism however its Sanatana dharma), Rishi, muni, saint, sage, Gita states that a person expands from baby to old age. Yet inside person does not transform, eventually, that stable takes one more body. What chooses his following body, his karmas …? If we want a good body and life, we require to do good, meaning substitute the common good. Stay clear of negative thoughts.

” Yatha fate, yatha shrutham” … “As you execute, so will you be!”

As soon as you’re birthed, you’ll experience duality however If one goes beyond that duality, one remains in Bliss. What’s Bliss? Upanishads (Vedanta) instructs us how to achieve that Bliss state.

Many individuals have no concept of a state beyond duality … They desire happiness however every delighted situation has an opposite side also. Claim an individual inherited a house as well as lived there for hundred years. His kid then made a decision to knock down the old residential or commercial property and also rebuild it with contemporary features. As he did the excavating, he discovered a prize below. For 3 generations, they lived there. Didn’t recognize that! In a similar way, all of us have a prize that we’re not aware of IT.

We can call IT by any name God, Consciousness, Recognition or whatever yet there’s just one that animates this body and the whole world … Without examining that out, we’re looking beyond us for happiness … All things as well as all people. Scientists, archeologists, anthropologists and a lot more! These are necessary to expand our capacity to explore but as we go deeper right into research study, the periphery seems to be increasing everywhere! We continue strolling over the treasure as well as have not acknowledged it.

That prize is Satyam-jnanm-anantham, Existence-Consciousness-Bliss

Sathyam here does not suggest the opposite of ‘lie’, however THAT which exists in all times. You may ask, ‘Every little thing exists, what is it that does not exist?’ There are some without ISness like a mirage! Even though it seems, it’s not there.This Reality is ever before existing, is not impacted or altered by any type of other knowledge like when the rope is seen in the dusk, the understanding of serpent goes away.

IT is present in trikale. Trikale, 3 amount of times ought to not be taken as past, present as well as future since the moment was produced by people. Truth existed even before time, it simply indicates Fact existed when one was oblivious, throughout the Understanding and also after acquiring understanding. Like the rope existed before you understood it, when you thought it was a snake as well as after you recognized that it’s not a serpent.

Consciousness is ‘you know you exist!’ You don’t require someone to inform you that, or a light to acknowledge that you exist whereas a tree or a rock or the five components do not understand they exist. That understanding is awareness.

Happiness is the Joy, thrilled moment not simply brief, yet long lasting. Pleasure, joy, joy, happiness are all various percentages of the glimpse of the supreme. That’s Truth/sathyam, currently where is it?

Taitriya upanishad states in cavern of heart. (guhai in Tamil). It’s covered by our likes and also dislikes … They cover it so we are not able to see IT. When the mind is calm, clean, pure we can understand IT. In this globe, whatever you do, can obtain only that outcome yet when Self knowledge is accomplished, whatever is attained … we purchase a bike but we also desire a car, we acquire a residence but we’re not satisfied up until we acquire a refrigerator, an air conditioning unit in every room, with an ongoing list, never completely satisfied however this Self knowledge … offers complete satisfaction. Whatever in the world is based upon conditions as well as duality. That unconditional Bliss remains in everybody, but we just don’t know it. That’s atmanandam.

To do anything, accomplish anything in this world, there’s a demand for talent, or skill need but to obtain this knowledge there’s no constraint, anytime to any person. Just a desire to recognize is essential. Spirituality … can take place at any age … It can take place anytime. We need to comply with the regulations, technique from early, extended period like a professional athlete, uniformity is the trick. Ultimately everybody takes this course get into spirituality at some point, earlier is much better. All Upanishads offers the same one response although the questions are different. Our life is not 100 yrs, we need to begin at some point, better beginning early so in this grand possibility of human birth, we can get rid of fear, rage, and experience internal peace in this life alone!

Self Understanding, Atma jnanam is illustrated in all scriptures of Sanatana dharma as the function of human birth. Kenopanishad discusses what’s behind the five body organs of understanding, Kathopanishad explains life after death, Thaithriya upanishad explains 5 kosas, five layers, Mandukya Upanishad focuses on three states of our experiences (turiyam).

Allow’s center on Atma bodha, a straightforward very easy message for global candidates.