Atma Bodha Verses 51-60


Atma Bodha Verses 51-60

Atma Bodha Verses 51-60 Knowledgeable 51 A Self recognized spirit has no sort & disapproval, approves every little thing as they come, pleased from within, without any wish to go, obtain or achieve. Such a...

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Where Honesty Rules


Where Honesty Rules

Where Sincerity Rules What would the world be like if complete and also fully incorporated sincerity leads every little thing in it, and I do suggest every little thing. I ask myself that question all...

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Shine The Light, The Subconscious Reckoning


Shine The Light, The Subconscious Reckoning

Shine The Light, The Subconscious Reckoning There is a time in all of our presences when we need to get to complete reality on all levels and also “act right”. That time is really constantly,...

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Nelson Mandela


Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela NELSON MANDELA Author, Head of state( non-u. s), Civil Rights Protestor( 1918-2013). There can be no keener revelation of a culture’s spirit than the way in which it treats its children.-Mandela. That was...

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Deciphering The Code Of Total Reality


Deciphering The Code Of Total Reality

Decoding The Code Of Total Fact There is even more to life and also fatality than what we see here and now. That holds true. Specifically with parallel worlds, this entire universe and also our...

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The Greatest Gift From Existence


The Greatest Gift From Existence

The Greatest Gift From Existence Recognizing exactly how to totally fail and being successful anyway is the greatest gift presence needs to provide. You might or might not concur with me, but the annals of...

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Universal Provision


Universal Provision

Universal Stipulation To gain this, you must know the mistakes of failure by experiencing them, not remaining in them, experiencing as well as totally recognizing them. The door to irreversible success and generally functioning arrangement...

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Beyond Pot Luck


Beyond Pot Luck

Past Pot Good luck Deep space can be a pleasant location, if you have the intestines to make it that way. Undoubtedly, depending on the luck of the draw or success from the get go...

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Honesty, Patience, Understanding and Tolerance


Honesty, Patience, Understanding and Tolerance

Sincerity, Perseverance, Understanding & Tolerance In my simple, relatively “ridiculous” viewpoint, fully incorporated honesty, patience, understanding and tolerance is the only method to live sanely and also realistically in this world. Any sort of extremism...

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